LightsOnLovley is looking for corporate sponsors for the 2012 season.
If you or someone you know is able to provide any of the items or services listed below, please contact us as soon as possible, as the planning and setup phase is already under way.
What we are looking for:
1) Lift Rental. In order to safely install and remove the lights from the house, we are looking for someone to donate the rental time for a small/tow-able boom lift. We will need this for one day/weekend in late November and one day/weekend in early January.
2) LED Lights. We purchase and use a lot of them, but we can always use more. Specifically we are looking for the donation of single color strands (white, red, green and blue).
3) Cable & Connectors. We use miles of extension and lamp cord (SPT-1 or SPT-2). This year we can use a few extra spools of SPT lamp cord and matching vampire plugs and sockets.
What we will provide in return for your generous donations.
1) Audio Announcements. A custom voice over for one song, announcing “This song brought to you by ….”. In a given night this could be repeated over 20 times, and over 600 times during the length of the display. This will be played over the FM transmitter before the song.
2) Video Announcements. A repeating title displayed on the projection screen for the duration of the sponsored song, which can include logo of your providing. This will alternate with the song title and radio frequency display. This will be displayed every time the song is played (over 600 times during the month long display).
3) Web Site. Listing, with logo and linkage, from the LightsOnLovey.com website.
4) Link from our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/LightsOnLovley), which currently has over 360 followers and a reach during the holiday season of over 3,000.